Tuesday, April 19, 2011

OMGoodness! I want these shoes ASAP

These Lanvin shoes are everything!


Friday, April 15, 2011

Khaki Story

I am in love with this khaki jacket. The jacket is from Old Navy. I have had it for years, but I stopped wearing it when it ripped. But then I got out my old sewing kit and repaired it - and I am back in love with it again. This jacket is one those quality pieces that bring out the best in the spring. I paired it with the same shoes and bag from a previous look. And I did a basic white vneck with everything. Here are some of my inspirations:

Shirt: Hanes
Jacket: Old Navy
Medallion: Vintage
Jeans: Levis
Shoes: Stacy Adams

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Bright Colors Story

I am all about bright colors this season. I thoughts that being on the larger side of life confined me to earth-tones even in the SS seasons. But lately, I have been trying to leave my comfort zone and incorporate more bright looks to my wardrobe. It seems like all I ever write about are Oranges and Blues being the new hot colors for the season. So these are the colors that I have been focusing on. I especially like shades of blue enough to want them to be basic parts of my wardrobe. This was my first effort – a turquoise vintage baseball-shirt paired with brown suede Stacy Adams and a vintage medallion with a brown carry-all. Thoughts?

Shirt: Vintage baseball shirt
Medallion: Vintage
Khaki: St. Johns
Cardigan: Brown label
Wrist: H&M (both)
Shoes: Stacy Adams

Monday, April 11, 2011

Tribal Trend


Orange Crush

Blue for the Spring

I've Been Uber-Busy

I have been uber-busy with so many different things. Recently, I tweeted "I used to be bored, now I wish I was." That was the only way to sum up how I have been feeling. But of course, I am not overwhelmed enough to not dress even for a basic day-to-day. I am still in love with fashion and grooming, and I plan to uplift my career to the fullest. 

Now that I got that out of the way. Let's get in to more fun things. I have been a lean (I wish) mean, publishing machine. I wrote my first story for Uptown Magazine and I am working on my second. I am on tight deadline for Soul Train, and I am working on a high profile for Askmen.com - who I most recently reviewed Michael Kors for. Here are the links:

Uptown Chic: 70s Trends for the Spring
Love this story! This is a trend roundup on the 70s movement that is happening right now in fashion. I was able to curate pieces and do blurbs on each one. Check it out here: http://uptownmagazine.com/2011/04/uptown-chic-70s-trends-for-spring/

Michael by Michael Kors Review
Love Michael Kors! Seriously, he is a genius. And it shows. Here is my review for Askmen.com http://www.askmen.com/fashion/accessories/michael-by-michael-kors-sunglasses-medina.html
Girl Group Fashion for Soul Train
Soul Train is known for so many things - so writing for this brand is a huge deal for me. My grandmother watched this show and writing for the brand honestly makes me feel like I was closer to her. I was able to interview the costume designer for Dreamgirls for this story and I also did a little styling. Check it out here: http://soultrain.com/2011/04/01/fashion-girl-group-style-its-not-just-a-fad/